Miracles and how easy they are to come by

Monica Yates
3 min readJan 27, 2022

MIRACLE [noun]: an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.

A miracle is something that you don’t expect. You desire them of course, but they happen like magic. Miracles aren’t just flukes and they don’t only happen to ‘magical people.’ They happen to everyone.

The universe is supporting everyone. It doesn’t just pick and choose. It doesn’t discriminate. The only discrimination is you against yourself. When you believe that miracles are all around you, they will appear.

As many of you know, I went on an insane ski trip for christmas and New Years and I manifested it literally out of thin air. I was manifesting for most of the year to go on a ski trip with a man and I was holding the vision that this would pull through. Low and behold, it did. And very last minute.

Miracles are available. I’ve witnessed so many this year. The miracle of my instagram account coming back after it was hacked, the miracle of getting Jelly, the miracle of our car breaking down on this trip but it meant that we had a french car and number plate so we didn’t raise any eyebrows as we crossed into the swiss border. This is a prime example of how sometimes you think something bad has happened, it actually paves the way for something magical.

“I believe miracles are my norm. Therefore, they are”.

I believe miracles are my norm. Therefore they are. Miracles aren’t just occurring when someone comes back to lie after being brain dead. Miracles aren’t just the stories of people missing their flight on the 9th of September 2001. Miracles are the little things too. Ask yourself, what miracles have you experienced?

In MMM level 2, I have made a 1 hour and 45 min quantum leaping video for you all with new codes and downloads that I have received since January and they have changed the game for me. Life is even easier, things flow even more and I attract amazing people into my life. (honestly the amount of epic people i’ve met in the last month is insane).

If you are wanting to get to that next level and be in my vibration so that you can be one step closer to your dreams, then this is for you. Remember, miracles do exist. And the universe is always working for you.

Monica Yates is a trauma healer, feminine/masculine embodiment coach and period whisperer. Monica is also the podcast host of Feminine As F*ck, editor of UNEDITED magazine and an influencer. At the age of only 25, she has built a name for herself as an expert within this realm, as well as a million dollar company. Her mission is to help women clear trauma so they can step into their magnetic feminine energy, as well as help men feel ecstasy and intimacy in the bedroom.



Monica Yates

Trauma healer, period whisperer and embodiment witch. Monica helps women get into their magnetic AF feminine energy, and men feel ecstasy and intimacy.