How to reset your adrenals

Monica Yates
3 min readJan 27, 2022

“After this reset you can expect your creative energy to be through the roof”.

Okay, so 99.999999% of us have fucked our adrenals thanks to Covid, and many of us don’t know it. Maybe you do a fabulous job at reducing and counteracting the obvious stressors in your life, but it’s the subconscious ones that can really do a doozy on us because we are so unaware of them. It’s these subconscious ones that a lot of us have dealt with this year as we are living in the unknown (which can elicit the flight or fight response).

We are homesick, lacking serotonin and dopamine from friends and family time, we are at home doing the same thing everyday and it’s not making us happy. We are not getting as much sunlight, outdoor time, immersing ourselves in nature, etc.

This was happening to me in 2020, as I was subconsciously stressed and exhausted from the unknown, living in a city I wasn’t meant to be in, being a million miles away from my friends and family and not really knowing many people in London. Slowly, my adrenals were struggling and I got something called HPA axis dysfunction (it’s not anything bad, don’t worry). All this was showing was that my adrenals weren’t happy so my cycles were a bit short but without the PMS (so it can be easy to miss).

Many people think that when their adrenals go haywire, they should just meditate more and take some adaptogens, and whilst that is helpful,once your adrenals are in a place where they are not functioning properly, you actually need to get rid of EVERYTHING in your life that is causing the stress. You can’t just meditate.

So for me, this looked like stopping client work for six weeks and going on a DREAM ski holiday with a man. During this time, I didn’t have to lift a finger, make any decisions, cook a meal or clean up. It meant that I was able to fully relax, surrender and just soak up pleasure and abundance rather than having to worry about things and organise shit like you do day-to-day.

So if you feel exhausted and you think your adrenals might be a bit out of whack, then I HIGHLY recommend taking a FULL week OFF (minimum) to reset. During this time you can just watch Netflix, cook, have midday baths, sleep in, workout, go for walks, read and REST.

After this reset you can expect your creative energy to be through the roof, your heart to be feeling warm and nourished and your body to be feeling rested, healthy and relaxed.

Monica Yates is a trauma healer, feminine/masculine embodiment coach and period whisperer. Monica is also the podcast host of Feminine As F*ck, editor of UNEDITED magazine and an influencer. At the age of only 25, she has built a name for herself as an expert within this realm, as well as a million dollar company. Her mission is to help women clear trauma so they can step into their magnetic feminine energy, as well as help men feel ecstasy and intimacy in the bedroom.



Monica Yates

Trauma healer, period whisperer and embodiment witch. Monica helps women get into their magnetic AF feminine energy, and men feel ecstasy and intimacy.