5 hormone tips for this season

Monica Yates
3 min readJan 28, 2022

The rise of hormonal issues is going hand in hand with the rise of stress from COVID. It’s no secret that unbalanced hormones creates chaos for your body and mind.

  1. Pay attention:

Cortisol, popularly known as the ‘stress hormone’ causes havoc on your hormonal system. With most of us in lockdown, not having our usual array of social engagements, hits of dopamine and serotonin, and being stressed about the unknown, our bodies are showing signs.

Adult acne is the new trend, people are energetically drained and our libidos are starting to go through the floor.

While we can’t make COVID go away, we can support out bodies during this difficult time. Your stress reduction habits are required now more than ever. Your meditation, morning dance parties, self pleasure or sex with your partner, midday baths and reading a book instead of watching a horror movie are key.

What have you stopped doing that you know helps you to wind down? Do more of that.

2. Eat more veggies:

Especially veggies from the brassica family, will help your liver to flush out excess estrogen allowing your hormonal fluctuations to not be as apparent and keep your skin glowing. As we go into the holiday season, eating more veggies can help to support your body.

3. Exercise according to your cycle:

In each phase of your cycle, your hormones change and therefore your workouts should too. Your hormones will make-or-break the success of your exercise in regards to your health goals and so training in accordance to your phase will actually keep your hormones in check and keep your straight goals or weight goals in line. For more of this, grab the “Working out as a Woman Guide”

4. Stress less:

When you are constantly releasing cortisol because of stress, you are continuously depleting your progesterone. As a result, your PMS worsens, your skin breaks out and you feel yucky in your body. Ensuring that you are getting rid of the ROOT of your stress is key.

5. Cut the caffeine:

Caffeine is another thing that boosts your cortisol levels (and therefore reduces your health and wellness goals). Cutting the caffeine is a small thing that will have a big impact on your body. Swap it for decaf coffee and you’re good to go!

“Your period is your monthly report card. By listening to your period and cycle, it will tell you exactly what is happening in your body and what is needs”.

Monica Yates is a trauma healer, feminine/masculine embodiment coach and period whisperer. Monica is also the podcast host of Feminine As F*ck, editor of UNEDITED magazine and an influencer. At the age of only 25, she has built a name for herself as an expert within this realm, as well as a million dollar company. Her mission is to help women clear trauma so they can step into their magnetic feminine energy, as well as help men feel ecstasy and intimacy in the bedroom.



Monica Yates

Trauma healer, period whisperer and embodiment witch. Monica helps women get into their magnetic AF feminine energy, and men feel ecstasy and intimacy.